Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Spiritual Insight from....

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Lord is understanding.”
Proverbs 9.10

Folly or wisdom? The question hinges simply on procrastination or prompt obedience. Some of us are parents and have children. How greatly those children can differ in temperament! One will obey at once; another will think that by putting it off he can avoid the need to do so. If that is indeed the case, and you are weak enough to allow him a loophole for escape, then the one who procrastinates is in fact the wise one, for he succeeds in doing nothing. But if your word holds and ultimately must be obeyed, then he is certainly the wiser who faces the issue squarely at once.
Get clear about the will of God.

If God's words can be discounted (ignored), then you might not be foolish to try to escape their implications; but if God is an unchanging God with an unchanging will, then be wise; act now; redeem the time.”
    • from “A Table in the Wilderness” (Emphasis added)

James 1.5 is important in getting “clear about the will of God”. -”...if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him.” (Also read the whole passage - James 1.2-10)

If we wait for a bolt of lightening or a clap of thunder, or a very clear, specific command before we act in obedience to what we know we should do, then we will do very little to contribute to God's kingdom or His will. God has not promised that kind of guidance, although at times he does guide clearly and specifically.

But He has promised His wisdom for us to make the right decisions as we go through the details of life.


Harms' news, November 12, 2013

Hi - we got home from Manila Sunday afternoon (Sunday early AM in Canada). The only effect of the storm for us was to delay our travel home for one day.


I think Manila was about 500km away from the storm center, but Manila and our area, (another 271 km north) seemed to be on red alert. We had a nice day for extra shopping for Sally, and another good day to come home a day later.

Being out of touch Saturday night, then travelling Sunday, we did not get info about the large scale tragedy resulting from the storm until Monday morning.

I got a letter regarding the storm from a friend about an hour ago and will include it here:
As you know a super typhoon has hit central Philippines causing unbelievable damage and loss of life. This is such a poor part of the country. Many folks are fishermen and farmers - their livelihood is gone as boats have been destroyed and fields damaged. Many folks live in shacks of bamboo - their homes have been crushed by incredible winds and water surges. Many folks are too poor to prepare for any kind of disaster, not even being able to  stock up on drinking water.  
     After living in the Philippines for 20 years, I grew accustomed to the annual typhoons, but this one was anything but usual. Every year many people die in the floods and lose their homes. The government has always had a hard time caring for its people and been unable to distribute aid efficiently.  Many of the poorest people are neglected. Please pray that this time the government will be more prompt and capable in assisting its people.
       Let's pray for the Filipino people as they mourn and grieve, as they begin to assess the loss, as they distribute aid, as they care for the sick and injured. Let's pray for the church that it might be a light of comfort and compassion amidst a world of destruction and chaos.
        Love and blessings, Lynn


Regarding my hip surgery, the recovery is going well. I have already graduated from walking with a walker and can now get around with only a cane. Eight hours travel on Sunday was tiring but I am functioning well, considering that a hip joint implant is major surgery.


While we were in Manila we received information that Dominique, the son of Swiss missionaries with 6 children, who came to work with us briefly 24 years ago is nearby with his Filipina wife Zaihra, on vacation from Switzerland.
We were able to get in touch with them and have breakfast at the place of Zaihra's family on our way to Bayombong. Since we were there with our SUV and our driver, Sally convinced them to come with us to see the town where Dominique's family had been & also to see the Banaue Rice Terraces with Ermie, whom Dominique remembers for his time here in 1990


I am not deciding to blog because everyone else is doing it, but in order to share with you some things God has shown me, without making our newsletters into sermons. I trust that the blogs do not become sermons either. Devotionals perhaps.

Spiritual Insight from.... will be on my old blogspot account, but with NEW CONTENT. Perhaps some family and ministry news, BUT sharing insights from some of my “MENTORS” (mostly authors whose books have given me valuable input which I had not seen from my own Scripture readings.) I plan to put these on my Facebook page also together with reference to:

We praise the Lord of good results from the surgery and a measure of recovery already. Please pray for those who have been affected by the latest storm to attack the Philippines. It is so easy just to change channels on the TV when the problem is so overwhelming – but there are many believers working with relief agencies and many churches who are dynamic witnesses for Jesus by their giving and caring for their neighbors. We may not be able to help directly or pray specifically, BUT WE CAN PRAY FOR GOD'S COMFORT FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING AND FOR THE EXPANSION OF GOD'S KINGDOM,EVEN (or ESPECIALLY)
in times like this when the testimonies of the believers who are in the same tragic circumstances can show that God does make a difference in our lives.

Please pray also for the parents and brothers and sisters of Dominique. Their lives have been a struggle in many ways since they were here.

Keep praying

Dennis & Sally Harms

Evangelical Christian Ministries” at (ICMS)
Box 24, Stn. A
Abbotsford, B.C.
Canada V2T 6Z4                                                          

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